Ordering seafood like a local in Málaga

Seafood lovers will appreciate the wide variety of fresh fish and shellfish found throughout Spain. In Málaga, Andalusia, some of the most popular dishes you'll encounter are the famous Boquerónes, deep-fried anchovies, and authentic Espetos de sardinas, sardine skewers, grilled over an open wood fire on the beach (follow the previous links to see how both these Malagueño specialties are made, in HD video). 

Espeto de sardines Malaga

With Spain surrounded by water on three sides, it's only natural that seafood holds such importance for the country and it's cuisine. If you want the best seafood in Málaga, we suggest heading to a chiringuito beach restaurant or discovering Spanish specialties at the local market.

Wherever you decide to try the latest catch, our fish dictionary below is sure to help you out with the ordering. Enjoy!



Fresh Local Seafood in Málaga - Chiringuito Beach Restaurants


During your visit, why not take up the Spanish custom and dine amongst locals at a chiringuito? These restaurants can be found along the beachside paseo maritimo boardwalk, and are home to some of the best seafood in traditional Spanish fashion.

Chiringuito El Patio

Although seafood is generally quite healthy, low in calories and saturated fat, and high in omega-3s, the way it is prepared definitely affects it's health benefits. You'll find that seafood in Málaga varies from shellfish with a squeeze of lemon, to tasty blends of salt, pepper, and olive oil, to baked, grilled or fried fish options, to deep-fried pescado frito.

To keep in mind when ordering seafood: its freshness, where and when it was caught, and how it has been stored in a refrigerator or freezer. It is said that you should avoid ordering fish on Mondays, because fishing boats do not go out on Sundays.

Boquerónes, deep-fried anchovies

Best Seafood at Málaga's Atarazanas Market


Outside of chiringuitos, Málaga's central Atarazanas market is one of the best places to discover Spanish seafood, and it is after-all the choice shopping location for top Málaga chefs


Below are some favourite seafood stalls from the market, while you'll find suggestions for the best meat, fruit, vegetable, olive and almond stalls in this guide to the best stalls of Málaga's Atarazanas market.

El Ruina - Best for local Málaga prawns and crayfish

Los Ruinas - Atarazanas Market

When you enter the market from the main entrance off Calle Atarazanas, take a right and you’ll find stall 109. Welcome to El Ruina, home to the best prawns and shellfish around. The place is run by one of the market's well-known characters, Sergio, the son of Oscar "El Ruina", who is renowned for his all-penetrating voice singing out the day's specials.  

Head here for the best prawns, crayfish, mussels, and various kinds of clams, including the much-loved local almeja white clams. 

Stalls nº 109 and 131
+34 650 642 499
Run by - Sergio & Oscar   

Manuel Belman - Best for fish

Manuel Belman

If you walk in through the main entrance you'll find the Manuel Belman fish stall at the very end of the market. Specialties include freshly caught fish - everything is caught that very day. Pre-cut pieces tend to be large, making them ideal for salting or baking. 

Amid such variety, highlights are the bream, sole, sea bass, and monkfish. If you're looking for fresh and quality fish, you can’t go wrong here.  

Stall nº 147
+34 658 554 737
Run by - Manuel Belman Gonzalez
Services:Orders by phone   

Pescado Belman - Best for tuna and salmon

Hermanos Belman

The small and discrete Pescado Belman stall specializes in fresh tuna, Mediterranean swordfish, wild Norwegian salmon, Spanish hake, and shark from Cádiz. From spring until summer, this is one of the only places to buy traditionally Almadraba-caught tuna from Zahara de los Atunes. This age-old fishing technique uses a 'maze' of nets to drive the fish into a central 'pool', where they can easily be caught. 

This is a very popular stall with Malaga’s cooking elite.  

Stall nº 144
+34 952 213 129
+34 615 641 887
Run by - Javier and Roberto Belman Cruz    

The Fish Dictionary

It's not always easy to order when everything is written in Spanish. Here we list some of Málaga's favourite seafoods so that you'll know exactly what you're asking for at the market or during your next restaurant visit.

Los Tres Pepes


Almeja - White clam
Anguila / Angula - Eel   
Arenque - Herring
Atún - Tuna   
Besugo - Bream   
Bacalao - Codfish   
Berberechos - Cockle
Boquerones - Anchovies, deep-fried or marinated  
Buey de mar - Edible crab, brown crab
Caballa - Mackerel   
Calamar - Squid, often served fried in rings
Calamaritos - Baby squid, served fried whole  
Cangrejo del río - Freshwater crayfish   
Cangrejo - Crab   
Caracolas búsanos - Sea snails
Cazón - Shark
Centolla - King crab, spider crab
Chipirones en su tinta  - Small squid served in their ink
Chirla - Clam
Chopitos - Another name for baby squid, served fried whole
Cigala - Lobster   
Coquinas - Clams
Conchas Finas - Smooth clam
Doradas - Bream
Fletán - Atlantic halibut   
Gambas - Prawns  
Gallo - Sole
Langostinos - Jumbo shrimp, tiger shrimp
Trucha - Trout
Trucha arco iris - Rainbow trout
Langosta - Lobster   
Lapa - Limpet mollusk
Lenguado - Common sole
Lubina - Sea bass  
Mariscos - Shellfish
Mejillónes - Mussels
Merluza - Hake   
Mero - Halibut 
- Razor clam
Necoras - Velvet crab
Ostras - Oysters   
Percebes - Goose barnacles, gooseneck barnacles
Pescado - Fish
Pez Espada - Swordfish
Pulpo - Octopus
Rape - Monkfish
Rodaballo - Turbot
Rosada Nacional - Spanish hake, also known as 'Nacional'
Salmón - Salmon 
Sardinas - Sardines
Santiaguiños - Slipper lobster
Sepia - Cuttlefish  
Vieira - Scallop
Zamburiña - Another type of scallop