Iznalloz travel information and video

Holiday information, facts, photos and video about Iznalloz

Reviews for Iznalloz

Average overall ratings - Based on 4 reviews.



Anna Cosker

Small village close to Granada, friendly locals and good bars, near to the countryside for lovely walks.

Featured holiday homes in Granada province

Things to do while you are here

Reviews for Iznalloz

Average overall ratings - Based on 4 reviews.

Submitted by:
17. Mar 2013
This review is in English This review is in English

Iznalloz review

Small village close to Granada, friendly locals and good bars, near to the countryside for lovely walks.
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Submitted by:
23. Jul 2014
This review is in French This review is in French

Iznalloz review

Iznalloz est calme, et c'est ce qui fait son charme. Les paysages alentours sont sauvages est fort agréables. Et il y a toutes les commodités nécessaires.

Costa Tropical reviews

Entre mer et montagne, culture et détente, la région est parfaite pour les vacances.
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Submitted by:
26. Jul 2012
This review is in French This review is in French

Iznalloz review

très bel endroit, paisible, et calme.
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Submitted by:
27. Apr 2012
This review is in Spanish This review is in Spanish

Iznalloz review

Ciudad en la sierra con calma, gente agradable, comida barata. Posibilidad de visitar Granada.
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