Alberic travel information and video

Holiday information, facts, photos and video about Alberic

Reviews for Alberic

Average overall ratings - Based on 7 reviews.



Brian & Jenny

We actually stayed about 6 or 7 minutes drive from Alberic in a development set in a rural location, not in the city itself. We found Alberic to be a fairly quiet town but with a good range of shops. We didn't find a good selection of restaurants but that was probably because we didn't explore the place enough although we did seem to be in the town centre. The development where the villa is located is very nice. The villa is not overlooked, sites on either side are not yet built on and the whole area is quiet and peaceful except for some yapping dogs although they didn't bark every night.

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Reviews for Alberic

Average overall ratings - Based on 7 reviews.

Submitted by:
13. Jun 2011
This review is in English This review is in English

Alberic review

We actually stayed about 6 or 7 minutes drive from Alberic in a development set in a rural location, not in the city itself. We found Alberic to be a fairly quiet town but with a good range of shops. We didn't find a good selection of restaurants but that was probably because we didn't explore the place enough although we did seem to be in the town centre. The development where the villa is located is very nice. The villa is not overlooked, sites on either side are not yet built on and the whole area is quiet and peaceful except for some yapping dogs although they didn't bark every night.
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Submitted by:
30. Aug 2016
This review is in Portuguese This review is in Portuguese

Alberic review

Uma cidade pequena mas aprazível.

Costa de Valencia reviews

Simplesmente fantástica, particularmente Valencia que gostei muito de visitar.
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Submitted by:
12. Sep 2015
This review is in French This review is in French

Alberic review

Costa de Valencia reviews

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Submitted by:
21. Jul 2015
This review is in Swedish This review is in Swedish

Alberic review

Alberic i sig var ganska tråkigt med det är bra väg in till Valencia. Området där huset ligger är jättefint med vacker utsikt.

Costa de Valencia reviews

Fin strand i Valencia.
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Submitted by:
3. Sep 2012
This review is in French This review is in French

Alberic review

Ville sympathique mais très modeste en termes touristiques. Fréquence de connexions avec Valencia par MetroLink un peu trop faibles. Paysages sympa basés essentiellement sur la culture d'agrumes et de plaqueminiers.

Costa de Valencia reviews

Belles plages mais beaucoup de monde.
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Submitted by:
29. Jul 2012
This review is in German This review is in German

Alberic review

Kleine Stadt mit einigen Cafes und Einkaufmöglichkeiten. Renfe Bahnhof vorhanden mit Verbindng nach Valencia. Sprachkenntnisse in spanisch ist nötig.
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Submitted by:
31. Dec 2010
This review is in Dutch This review is in Dutch

Alberic review

Wij hebben van Alberic niet echt goed hoogte kunnen krijgen. Door de afwijkende openingstijden en gewoonten van de lokale bevolking hebben Alberic alleen voor de hoognodige boodschappen bezocht.
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