Güéjar Sierra travel information and video

Holiday information, facts, photos and video about Güéjar Sierra

Reviews for Güéjar Sierra

Average overall ratings - Based on 6 reviews.



Richard Wheeler

Lovely mountain village located close to Granada with easy communication to both the city and coast

Featured holiday homes in Granada province

Things to do while you are here

Reviews for Güéjar Sierra

Average overall ratings - Based on 6 reviews.

Submitted by:
23. Oct 2017
This review is in English This review is in English

Güéjar Sierra review

Lovely mountain village located close to Granada with easy communication to both the city and coast

Costa Tropical reviews

Somewhat quieter then the nearby coasts of Costa del Sol and Almeria although no doubt that would change in peak season. Many quiet towns and beaches and a lot less British tourists, which if you want engage with Spain and the Spanish is perfect; less perfect if you require a sunnier version of the UK resorts with British food and beer.
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Submitted by:
31. Oct 2016
This review is in English This review is in English

Güéjar Sierra review

Costa Tropical reviews

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Submitted by:
14. Sep 2013
This review is in English This review is in English

Güéjar Sierra review

It was amazing. We loved the charm, views and people! Oh and of course the food too.

Costa Tropical reviews

We did not visit the coast as we where we live has great beaches. We preferred to enjoy the mountains and neighboring Grenada.
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Submitted by:
27. Jan 2012
This review is in English This review is in English

Güéjar Sierra review

Absolutely loved it - would love to live there.

Costa Tropical reviews

Didn't visit the coast
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Submitted by:
20. Aug 2012
This review is in Danish This review is in Danish

Güéjar Sierra review

Guejar Sierra er en dejlig autentisk bjergby, som er fortrinsvis uspoleret af turisme. Eneste mangel, som vi synes byen have, var, at den desværre ikke havde en kommunal svimmingpool, som mange andre Andaluciske bjergbyer har. Den lokale campingplads havde en svimmingpool, som man kunne få adgang til mod betaling, men prisen var høj. Så høj at det bedre kunne betale sig at køre til det nærmeste vandland i udkanten af Granada, hvor service og pool forhold var væsentlig bedre. Hvis man kunne vente med at tage ud at svømme til efter kl. 15 var prisen for adgang til vandlandet næsten den samme som prisen for adgang til campingpladsens svimmingpool. Alternativt kunne man kunne til nærmeste strand, hvilket vi aldrig nåede.

Costa Tropical reviews

Ingen vurdering, da vi ikke nåede at besøge Costa Tropical
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Submitted by:
22. Jul 2012
This review is in Danish This review is in Danish

Güéjar Sierra review

Skøn og afslappende.

Costa Tropical reviews

Besøgte den ikke
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