Buger travel information and video

Holiday information, facts, photos and video about Buger

Reviews for Buger

Average overall ratings - Based on 3 reviews.


Rebecca McAra

Buger is a quaint little village with a lovely coffee shop, patisserie, ban and supermarket. However there is little else and you will need to travel further if you want anything more lively.

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Reviews for Buger

Average overall ratings - Based on 3 reviews.

Submitted by:
25. Aug 2014
This review is in English This review is in English

Buger review

Buger is a quaint little village with a lovely coffee shop, patisserie, ban and supermarket. However there is little else and you will need to travel further if you want anything more lively.
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Submitted by:
9. May 2019
This review is in Spanish This review is in Spanish

Buger review

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Submitted by:
11. Sep 2017
This review is in Spanish This review is in Spanish

Buger review

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